Sunday, July 11, 2004


The Edwin McCain song I'll Be never fails to overwhelm me. All it takes are the first few chords and the world just...stops.

If it doesn't have that profound an effect on you - don't worry. It's just that the song has taken on a special significance (need I explain, people?) for me. I'll Be evokes an emotional association and a subsequent (Pavlovian?) reaction that is straight out of Experimental Psych 101.

Everytime I hear that song, I'm a wild animal frozen on the middle of a country road. Glazed-over eyes staring at the fast-approaching headlights.

Happened last night as I was out drinking with friends. And (a-haha) it's happening right now since I'll Be started playing on the neighbor's radio (coincidences are comforting in a way - they assure me that the universe has a well-developed sense of humor) while I was writing the previous paragraph.

As I was saying, last night...well...maybe I should...uh-oh...

happening again...



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